Lashings of leopard print and sultry black lace; elaborately embellished denim, plush velvet and shimmering sequins; signature florals, military-inspired tailoring and whimsical prints. Yes, there was truly something for everyone at Dolce & Gabbana’s Autumn/Winter 2017 presentation, and that was exactly the point.
This was a celebration of character rather than clothes, with fashion firmly taking second place to family, a message that was clearly reflected in the design duo’s model casting.
Coco Brandolini / Photo:
Industry professionals were joined on the runway by models of all ages, sizes and ethnicities. Mothers and daughters hand-in-hand, babes-in-arms, cute couples and even cuter dogs, plus a smattering of millennials, influencers and celebrity offspring, all helped hammer home Stefano Gabbana’s pre-show message “You need to accept yourself as you are”. And with free reign to style themselves before the show, this was indeed an event designed with everyone in mind.
Helena Bordon / Photo: Divulgação via
Replacing highly styled seasonality with dressing-up box sociability may once have been seen as a high-risk strategy. But with their natural flair for the fun-loving, Dolce & Gabbana’s inclusive extravaganza made for a refreshing respite in these uncertain times.